Aussom Getting Started

Welcome to the Aussom Lang documentation page. If you're brand new to Aussom I recommend starting with the "Quick Start" guide and then the "Aussom Language Overview." From there you can check out other docs and for API information see the API docs below.

  • Quick Start Start here! This will get you going with installation, running Aussom, and some helpful tips.
  • Aussom Language Overview This doc provides details about all of the basic language features. It goes over things such as data types, objects, functions, loops, operators ... a whole bunch of stuff.
  • API Getting Started This doc describes the most common API interfaces from a high level and is a great reference if you're looking for some specific functionality.
Guides and Examples
  • Aussom Java Inteface Guide This is one of the most important documents having to do with the CLI version of Aussom. This guide provides high level and in depth information about using Java objects in Aussom. This interface greatly expands the functionality available in Aussom by providing a clean and well-structured way to work with native Java objects including dynamically loading JARs onto the classpath.
  • AJI Example - Apache PDFBox This document provides an example of using an external Java library (Apache PDFBox) from Aussom with Aussom Java Interface (AJI).
  • Simple JavaFX Example This document provides an example of using an external Java library (Apache PDFBox) from Aussom with Aussom Java Interface (AJI).
Aussom API Reference

The purpose of these docs are to provide the Aussom programming API for reference. These docs have information about each object and its members.