
file: ColorPicker.aus

class: ColorPicker

[8:7] extends: Node, Control, Region

JavaFX ColorPicker class.


  • ColorPicker (object ColorVal = null)

    Constructor takes an optional default color value to apply to the color picker.

    • @p ColorVal is an optional Color object to set.
    • @r this object
  • setValue (object ColorVal)

    Sets the provided color value.

    • @p ColorVal is a Color object to set.
    • @r this object
  • getValue ()

    Gets the current selected color object.

    • @r A hex formatted string with the color value.
  • onChange (callback OnChange)

    Sets the on change handler with the provided callback function to call on change. The callback takes a single argument with the event.

    • @p OnChange is a callback to call on change.
    • @r this object