[622:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesTextBox) extends: component
The textbox component allows for editing of text fields and text areas. They can be read only or read and write.
textbox (string text, bool multiLine = true, int cols = null, int rows = null
Constructor that creates a textbox with the provided arguments.
is the textbox text value.multiLine
is a boolean with true for multiline support and false for not.cols
is an int with the size in columns.rows
is an int with the size in rows.null
newTextBox (bool multiLine = true
Helper that creates the new textbox.
is a boolean with true for multiline and false for not.null
setText (string text
Sets the text for the text box.
is a string with the text to set.null
setValidation (string regexPattern
Sets the validation pattern for the textbox.
is a string with the regex pattern to match.null
setReadOnly (bool readOnly
Sets the read only boolean.
is a boolean with true for read only and false for not.null
getText ()
Gets the text of the textbox.
string with the text.[525:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesBorderLayout) extends: object
Border layout provides a similar layout to the swing border layout. The layoutpos enum can be used to specify the 5 different layout areas.
[910:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesActionBox) extends: component
Is a component that provides a list of actions.
actionbox (list items
Constructor for the actionbox object.
is a list of pairs of ['name', ::callback].null
setItems (list items
Sets a list of items for the actionbox.
is a list of pairs of ['name', ::callback].null
addItem (list item
Adds an item pair to the actionbox.
is a pair with ['name', ::callback].null
[1034:21] static
(extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesFileDialog) extends: object
Dialog filedialog provides file chooser support.
show (object gui, string title = "", string desc = "", string actionLabel = ""
Opens a modal file dialog window with the provided arguments.
is the gui object.title
is a string with the title to use.desc
is a string with the description for the dialog.actionLabel
is a string with the action button text.A
string with the selected file.[322:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.Screen) extends: object
Implementation of the screen object.
start ()
Starts the screen.
stop ()
Stops the screen.
setColor (string Color
Sets the text color to the specified color.
is a string with the color. (enum color)null
setBgColor (string Color
Sets the background color to the specified color.
is a string with the color. (enum color)null
putString (int x, int y, string str
Writes a string at the provided coordinates.
is an int with the x coordinate.y
is an int with the y coordinate.str
is a string to write.null
clear ()
Clears the screen.
refresh ()
Writes content from the back buffer to the front buffer effectively updating the screen.
getKey ()
Blocking call that gets a key stroke and returns it as a keyStroke object.
keyStroke object.doResizeIfNecessary ()
This method can be called at the beginning of your rendering code to handle screen resize events and properly resize the screen buffers.
setPos (int col, int row
Sets the cursor position to the provided location.
is an int with the column.row
is an int with the row.null
[274:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesKeyStroke) extends: object
This object is returned from get key function calls such as getKey() and pollKey().
getChar ()
For key strokes of normal characters this gets the character value. Letters, digits, symbols ..
character.getEventTime ()
Gets the event time the key was pressed.
integer with epoch time.getKeyType ()
Gets the key type. Compare this to keyType values.
string with the key type.isAltDown ()
Is the alt key down.
boolean with true if the key is down.isCtrlDown ()
Is the control key down.
boolean with true if the key is down.isShiftDown ()
Is the shift key down.
boolean with true if the key is down.toString ()
Returns a string representation of the keyStroke object.
sring representing the keyStroke.[479:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesLinearLayout) extends: object
Linear layout lays out components in a single direction, either vertical or horizontal. Direction is specified in direction enum.
linearlayout (string direct = "vertical"
Layout constructor takes the layout direction as an argument.
is the direction for the layout. (enum direction)null
setDirection (string direct
Sets the layout direction.
is the direction for the layout. (enum direction)null
[1017:21] static
(extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesInputDialog) extends: object
Dialog inputdialog prompts for text input.
show (object gui, string title = "", string desc = "", string initText = "", int cols = null, int rows = null
Opens an input modal dialog window with the provided arguments.
is the gui object.title
is a string with the title to use.desc
is a string with the description.is
a string with the input initial text.cols
is an int with the number of cols for the input.rows
is an int with the number of rows for the input.A
string with the input result.[133:21] static
(extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.Curses) extends: object
The main curses class for primitive operations.
start ()
Starts basic curses support.
stop ()
Stops basic curses support.
enterPrivateMode ()
In private mode the screen is cleared, scrolling is disabled and the previous content is stored. When you exit private mode, the previous content is restored and displayed on screen again.
exitPrivateMode ()
Exits private mode.
setPos (int col, int row
Sets the cursor position.
is the column or x coordinate to use.row
is the row or y coordinate to use.null
putChar (string ch
Puts the provided character at the current position.
is a string with a character to place at the current position.null
getRows ()
Gets the screen size in rows.
int with number of rows in the screen.getCols ()
Gets the screen size in cols.
int with the number of cols in a screen.flush ()
Flushes anything left in the buffer out to the device.
putString (int x, int y, string str
Puts the provided string at the provided coordinates.
is the x coordinate.y
is the y coordinate.str
is the string to write.null
putLine (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, string str
Draws a line of text with the provided start and end coordinates and the provided string.
is the start x coordinate.y1
is the start y coordinate.x2
is the end x coordinate.y2
is the end y coordinate.str
is the string to write.null
setColor (string Color
Sets the text color with the provided color. It's recommended to use the color enum.
is a string with the color value.null
setBgColor (string Color
Sets the background color with the provided color. It's recommended to use the color enum.
is a string with the color value.null
enableStyle (string Style
Sets the provided style from the style enum.
is a string with the style to set.null
disableStyle (string Style
Disables the provided style from the style enum.
is a string with the style to disable.null
resetStyle ()
Resets all styles.
clearScreen ()
Clears the screen.
getKey ()
Blocking call that gets a key stroke from the keyboard and returns a keyStroke object.
keyStroke object with the pressed key info.pollKey ()
Non blocking call which gets the key stroke if available and returns it as a keyStroke object.
keyStroke object with the key info.[23:6] static
extends: object
Enum defines the curses styles.
[397:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.Gui) extends: object
Implementation of the GUI object.
gui (Screen, Color
Constructor creates a new gui object with the provided screen and color.
is the screen object.Color
is a string with the text color to set. (enum color)null
newGui (object Screen, string Color
Internal function for creating a new gui.
is the screen object.Color
is a string with the text color to set. (enum color)null
start ()
Starts the screen.
stop ()
Stops the screen.
addWindowAndWait (object win
Adds a window to the text gui system and then blocks.
is the window object to set for this gui.null
[1064:21] static
(extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesActionDialog) extends: object
Dialog actiondialog provides action dialog support.
show (object gui, string title = "", string desc = "", list actions
Opens a modal action dialog window with the provided arguments.
is the gui object.title
is a string with the title to use.desc
is a string with the description for the dialog.actions
is a list of pairs of ['name', ::callback].null
[473:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesAbsoluteLayout) extends: object
Absolute layout allows for exact positioning.
[8:6] static
extends: object
Enum defines the curses colors.
[1049:21] static
(extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesDirectoryDialog) extends: object
Dialog directorydialog provides directory chooser support.
show (object gui, string title = "", string desc = "", string actionLabel = ""
Opens a modal directory dialog window with the provided arguments.
is the gui object.title
is a string with the title to use.desc
is a string with the description for the dialog.actionLabel
is a string with the action button text.A
string with the selected directory.[677:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesButton) extends: component
The button component provides button functionality.
button (string text = "", callback cb
Constructor for button object.
is a string with the button text.cb
is a callback with the on-click handler.null
newButton (string text = "", callback cb
Helper function that creates a new button.
is a string with the button text.cb
is a callback with the on-click handler.null
setText (string text
Sets the button text.
is a string with the button text.null
getText ()
Gets the button text.
string with the button text.[1002:21] static
(extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesDialog) extends: object
Standard text dialog.
show (object gui, string title = "", string text = "", string dlgBtn = ""
Opens a modal dialog window with the provided arguments.
is the gui object.title
is a string with the title to use.text
is a string with the text for the dialog.dlgBtn
is a string with the dialog button from the dlgbtn enum.null
[838:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesRadioBox) extends: component
The radiobox component provides a list of radio buttons.
radiobox (list items
Constructor for the radiobox object.
is a list of strings with the radiobox items.null
setItems (list items
Sets the radiobox items.
is a list of strings with the radiobox items.null
addItem (string item = ""
Adds an item to the radiobox.
is a string with the item to add.null
clear ()
Clears/removes the items from the radiobox.
clearSelected ()
Unselects selected items.
getSelected ()
Gets the selected item.
string with the selected item.getSelectedIndex ()
Gets the selected index.
integer with the index of the selected item.size ()
Gets the size of the radiobox items.
int with the number of items in the radiobox.isChecked (int index
Checks if the item at the provided index is selected.
is an int with the index to check.A
boolean with true if selected and false if not.remove (int index
Removes the item at the provided index.
is an int with the index to remove the item at.null
[778:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesCheckBox) extends: component
The checkbox component provides a checkbox list.
checkbox (list items
Constructor for the checkbox object.
is a list of strings of each checkbox.null
setItems (list items
Sets the checkbox items.
is a list of strings of each checkbox.null
addItem (string item = ""
Adds an item to the checkbox list.
is a string with the item to add.null
clear ()
Clears the checkbox list.
getCheckedItems ()
Gets a list of checked items.
list of strings with checked items.size ()
Gets the checkbox list size.
int with the checkbox size.isChecked (int index
Checks to see if the checkbox is checked at the provided index.
is an int with the index to check.A
boolean with true for checked and false for not.remove (int index
Remove the checkbox item at the provided index.
is an int with the index to remove.null
[107:6] static
extends: object
Enum that defines dialog button options.
[501:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesGridLayout) extends: object
Grid layout lays out components in a customizable grid structure.
gridlayout (int NumCols
Constructor for gridlayout takes the number of columns for the grid.
is an int with the number of columns of the grid.null
newGridLayout (int NumCols
Private helper function creates a new gridlayout.
is an int with the number of columns of the grid.null
[38:6] static
extends: object
Enum defines the curses keyboard keys.
[575:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesPanel) extends: component
The panel component is a base element where other components can be placed.
setLayout (object layout
Sets a layout for the panel.
is the layout object to set.null
add (object Component
Adds a component to the panel.
is a component object to add.null
[440:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.Win) extends: object
Implementation of the GUI object.
setHints (list Hints
Sets the window hints. Use the winHint enum to supply the desired attributes.
is a list of strings with the window hints.null
set (object Component
Sets the component object for this window.
is a curses component to set.null
setMenuBar (object MenuBar
Sets the curses menubar object.
is a menubar to set for the window.null
[938:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesTable) extends: component
Is a component that provides table functionality.
table (list cols
Constructor for a table component.
is an array of columns for the tables.null
setCols (list cols
Sets the cols of the tables. This resets the table.
is an array of columns for the tables.null
addCol (string col
Adds a column to the table with the provided column.
is a string with the new column to add.addRow (list vals
Adds a row to the table with the provided list of values.
is a list of values to set for the row.null
setAction (callback action = null
Sets an action handler to do an action when a row is selected.
is a callback to invoke when a row is selected. When called the argument is a list with the row values is provided.null
setVisibleCols (int cols
Sets the number of visible columns.
is an int with the number of visible cols.null
setVisibleRows (int rows
Sets the number of visible rows.
is an int with the number of visible rows.null
setViewTopRow (int row
Sets the view to row.
is an int with the view top row.null
[99:6] static
extends: object
Enum that defines a curses layout direction.
[83:6] static
extends: object
Enum that defines the curses window hint (styles).
[594:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesLabel) extends: component
The label component is used to set text in the UI.
label (string text
Constructor that creates a label component with the provided text.
is a string with the label text.null
setText (string text
Sets the label text.
is a string with the label text.null
getText ()
Gets the label text.
string with the label text.[1092:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesMenu) extends: object
When added to a menubar provides a dropdown type menu and sub menu items.
menu (string label
Constructor of a menu object with the provided label.
is a string with the menu label.null
newMenu (string label
Helper function that resets the menu object with the provided label.
is a string with the menu label.null
addItem (string label, callback action
Adds an item to the menu.
is a string with the item label.action
is a callback with the method to call when the action is invoked.null
[1079:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesMenuBar) extends: object
Provides support for a top menubar.
add (object menu
Adds a menu object to the menubar.
is a menu object to add to the menubar.null
[537:7] extends: object
Component is a class that all other components inherit from. It provides common functionality for all components.
setPos (int col, int row
Sets the position of the cursor on the screen.
is an int with the column.row
is an int with the row.null
setPrefSize (int cols, int rows
Sets the referred size. This is used for layouts like linear.
is an int with the number of columns.rows
is an int with the number of rows.null
setSize (int cols, int rows
Sets the size of the component. This is used for absolute layout.
is an int with the number of columns.rows
is an int with the number of rows.null
setLayoutData (string val
Sets the layout data. Use the layoutpos enum to provide position when using border layout.
is a string with the value.null
[122:6] static
extends: object
Enum that defines border layout positions.
[713:14] (extern: com.lehman.aussom.stdlib.curses.CursesComboBox) extends: component
The combobox component provides a dropdown type selector.
combobox (list items
Constructor for a combobox object.
is a list of strings with the items of the combobox.null
setItems (list items
Sets the combobox items.
is a list of strings with the items of the combobox.null
addItem (string item = ""
Adds an item to the combobox.
is a string with the item to add.null
clear ()
Clears the combobox.
size ()
Gets the size of the combobox.
int with the size.getItemAt (int index
Gets the item at the provided index.
is an int with the index to get the item at.A
string with the item at the provided index.getSelectedIndex ()
Gets the selected index.
int with the selected index.getSelectedItem ()
Gets the selected item.
string with the selected item.getText ()
Gets the combobox text string.
string with the combobox text.